
go and be CREATIVE...HeArtLilian

Saturday, June 22, 2024

"Being Brave for 5 Minutes More" inspired by the reading of "Mother Culture" by Karen Andreola

    In life there lies the profound wisdom gained from being a stay-at-home and homeschooling mother.  Yet beyond these roles, being human ensures we all partake in the shared journey of learning and growth.  Over the past twenty-plus years, like many of you, we could pen a novel filled with the lessons gleaned from the peaks and valleys of daily existence.
    The virtue of courage, distilled into simple acts of being brave for just five minutes longer, has recently taken on new significance.  This courage manifests in moments where I find myself rooted in place, seeking the Lord's wisdom and clarity, particularly when faced with the daunting task of sharing the Gospel with a stranger.  The natural instinct to flee is countered by a prayerful stillness, where divine guidance fortifies my resolve.  Being brave for five minutes longer is also about standing firm in prayer alongside friends bearing heavy burdens, despite my own apprehensions knowing it is not about me but about what God is doing.  It means maintaining composure upon receiving heart wrenching news, such as the passing of a beloved neighbor, even as obligation require my immediate attention.  In these fleeting moments of steadfastness, I am reminded that God's grace undergirds my every step.
    Witnessing our children graduate, with the uncertainty of their future looming large, calls for a bravery that transcends my own understanding.  Yet in those crucial five minutes, as life resumes its relentless pace, the words I need to share the gospel come forth, fervent prayers are lifted and the tears held back testify to a strength beyond my own.
    In reflection, these moments reveal the mighty work the Lord is doing in our lives.  Through each act of prolonged bravery, He cultivates fruits of the spirit within us, teaching us anew each day.  Though I cannot fully speak ti the experiences of our children, I recognize the divine hand shaping their paths as it does mine.   Each day becomes a lesson, a testament to the enduring grace and wisdom imparted by the Lord, as we embrace the courage to be brave for just five minutes longer. 

Picture of our middle son graduating with honors from our local homeschool support group.  May 2024